Hellooo readers!
You cannot imagine how happy I was when I discovered my FIRST FOLLOWER.
I only have one, but that's the world to me knowing there's someone reading my blog :) and the thought that i'm not alone in recovery is just a blessing :)
Now two of the BEST THINGS happened yesterday and today ;) Remember that I said I was craving Nutella...
1.My friend shared her NUTELLA with me.
Well actually she left her Nutella with me, and told me that I can use how much I wanted ;)))))And for a long time in half a year, I wolfed down four slices of toast with heart-warming Nutella.( The blessings!)
I would have been totally fine having another five slices:),but gave the jar back anyway
2. Someone in my class decided to bring me a big jar of NutellaaaaaaAAAAAA
Or at least ED made me think so.
Every Tuesday, our school closes half a hour earlyyyyyyy,which means I could go to the gym and work out for HALF A HOUR MORE.
and adding on what I usually do everyday, that's about 2 hours of running on the elliptical machine. I would always feel refreshed and "alive" while and after running. But heres the irony: This was exactly the things that were leading me to my death.
Not long after a few weeks of running this length, i've been dizzy, having sudden heartaches, long and hard cramps in the legs and feet, pale and unhealthy skin...and many more.
Researching on how much exercise teenagers SHOULD be getting in a week, I was shocked however, to learn that half a hour a day, three days a week of exercise was PLENTY ENOUGH. And disgusted to learn that my body is crippling day by day as it has nothing left to burn when I exercise....
I know there are many out there who are still OVER EXERCISING ( yes you. No, its ED telling you that you're 'just being healthy'.)
Please understand that this will cause heavy consequences affecting your wellbeing, and maybe even life.
I'm still struggling at not exercising, but I remind myself everyday that exercise should be only for fun, not weight loss ;) and slowlyyyyy, i'm getting there !!
Something from Latin (one of my favourite subjects!!!) to finish up the bloggggggg
My dog ate my homework ;)
Sorry not sorry :))))
Xxx,Lily ;)
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